Once upon a time there was in the Valens Alpha universe a woman named Victoria Mary Vance who created a collective of 4,095 Multi-Multiverses in her own mind, in which her own ancestors were born. On the Starship Batar a man named Doctor Zeppo Alexander Dunsel merged these Multi-Multiverses into one collective hyperpower intelligence named Kegar using the Goddess Amanda Susan Parker as a focal point. Vicky's husband Tim Pilot was the first vessel of everything Kegar and its embodiment.
The prototype of a merged individual was Trish Theron. Amanda Susan Parker seduced a mortal man and together they had a son named James Isaac Parker. This mutant genius became an ancestor of Victoria Mary Vance. Amanda Susan Parker and her closest friends, became part of Kegar. Kegar defeated his great enemy Zirkon and made himself complete.
Kegar then ascended to a higher plane of existence and was internally ruled by a team of Kegar components named Slaytrekx: omnipotent reality warping mutants that all had at least the Basic Psionic Powers. They had a polyamorous culture and operated on a Multi-Multiversal level, causing their own conception, thus willing themselves into existance the way they wanted to be by selecting their own ancestors from various universes. These ancestors, together with their entire Multi-Multiverses, were obviously regular parts of Kegar. The Slaytrekx members all had the powers and knowledge of their magnificent ancestors and, together with all those ancestors, lived within a small galaxy, the crown jewell of the collective hyperpower intelligence, within the the Mitchell Metaverse, within Kegar. On his way to the higher plane Kegar absorbed his own home Multi-Multiverse making it 4,096 Multi-Multiverses. Kegar then merged with the highest power, Emmy, the Crystal Goddess. Emmy had one important herald: Lee Logan Armin Pike.
THE REGENTS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Thomas Balthasar Pilot (President, leader of Slaytrekx, the God-King.) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Victoria Mary Vance (Creator of all the Kegar Multi-Multiverses, the most powerful Slaytrekx member of them all, the Goddess-Creator.) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Doctor Zeppo Alexander Dunsel (Creator of Kegar, often misunderstood genius and instrumental in the creation of Kegar, the God-Creator.) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Amanda Susan Parker (Focal point of the creation of Kegar, the sensual center of Slaytrekx and the Goddess of Free Love.) | Walter Scott Gunn (Founder of Slaytrekx, the first memeber of Slaytrekx and the first member of the Regents, the God-Counsellor.) | Amora Blake (The Lady of Slaytrekx, wife of Walter Scott Gunn and the Goddess of Loyalty.) | James Free (Creator of Slaytrekx components, God of Love, Seduction and Procreation.) | Rory Reynolds (The God-Protector of Slaytrekx) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||