Genealogy Kathleen Peck


Ahnentafel Kathleen Peck
Scorpius Aeryn Sun Hughie Warriner Rae Ingram Dennis Peck Kathleen Avilla Jaho Karen Ryder
John Sun Julia Ingram Andy Peck Nana Ryder
John Ingram Anna Peck
Kathleen Peck

From the Kappa variant universes of:

  1. Farscape (as depicted in the years 1998-2002)
  2. Dead Calm (as depicted in the year 1989)
  3. Internal Affairs (as depicted in the year 1990)
  4. Red Sun Rising (as depicted in the year 1994)

Kathleen Peck was a special double agent component of Slaytrekx infiltrating Zirkon.