Genealogy Dina Freeling


Ahnentafel Dina Freeling
The Sultan Angélique Sancé de Monteloup Shinzon Deanna Troi The Poltergeist Diane Freeling Freddy Krueger Nancy Thompson
Jeff Sancé Beverly Troi Stephen Freeling Heather Thompson
Bill Troi Diana Freeling
Dina Freeling

From the Kappa variant universes of:

  1. Angelique (as depicted in the year 1968)
  2. Star Trek: Nemesis (as depicted in the year 2002)
  3. Poltergeist (as depicted in 1982)
  4. A Nightmare on Elm Street (as depicted in 1984)

Dina Freeling was a special double agent component of Slaytrekx infiltrating Zirkon.