Genealogy Liam Groo


Ahnentafel Liam Groo (cs)
Whistler Bethany Chaulk Merrick Jamison-Smythe Jhiera The Groosalugg Amanda Xavier (cs) Adam April Lindsey McDonald Eve
Quentin Travers Chao-Ahn the Slayer R. Snyder Ms. Moran Richard Wilkins Maggie Walsh Angel Chaulk Katrina Silber Rupert Jamison-Smythe Kennedy the Slayer The Groosalugg Junior Nancy (Beneath You) Sam Zabuto Amanda the Slayer Isaac Adams Lilah McDonald
Rupert Travers Joyce Snyder Adam Walsh April Silber Alex Kennedy Julie Groo Mandy Zabuto Lilith McDonald
Wesley Travers Kate Silber Xander Groo Eva McDonald
Quentin Silber Nancy Groo
Liam Groo

From the universes of:

  1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (as depicted in the years 1997-2004)
  2. the Mitchell Metaverse

Liam Groo was an agent component of Slaytrekx.