Genealogy Henry "Hank / Harry" Braddock


Ahnentafel Henry "Hank / Harry" Braddock
Harry Sullivan Sarah Jane Smith Hank Summers Joyce Summers Henry McCoy Betsy Braddock Harry Mudd Stella Mudd
John Sullivan Buffy Summers Scott Charles Braddock Alice Mudd
Jack Summers Harriet Braddock
Henry "Hank / Harry" Braddock

From the universes of:

  1. Doctor Who (as depicted in the years 1973-1976)
  2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (as depicted in the years 1997-2004)
  3. Silver/Bronze Ages Earth-616 Marvel Comics (as depicted in the years 1961-1985)
  4. Star Trek (as depicted in the years 1966-1986)

Henry "Hank / Harry" Braddock was an agent component of Slaytrekx.