Genealogy Elizabeth Star.


Ahnentafel Elizabeth Star
The Doctor (4) Star James Kirk Linda Lee Danvers / Kara Zor-El Abraham van Helsing Ellen Connor Jonathan Richards Raven Darkhölme
Scott Star Winona Kirk John van Helsing Susan Darkhölme
George Star Evelyn Darkhölme
Elizabeth Star

From the universes of:

  1. Doctor Who (as depicted in the years 1974-1981)
  2. The Number of the Beast / Glory Road (as depicted in the years 1963-1980)
  3. Star Trek (as depicted in the years 1966-1986)
  4. Silver/Bronze Ages Pre-Crisis Earth-One DC Comics (as depicted in the years 1961-1985)
  5. Dracula (as depicted in the year 1897)
  6. the Mitchell Metaverse
  7. Silver/Bronze Ages Earth-616 Marvel Comics (as depicted in the years 1961-1985)
Elizabeth Star was an agent component of Slaytrekx.