Genealogy James Alexander Scott


Ahnentafel James Alexander Scott
Benjamin Gunn (cs) Tina Scott (cs) James Alexander Pike Nina Angel Simon Boyce Zarabeth of Izar Flint Cochrane (cs) Mara McGivers
Wesley Scott Susan Pike Kollos of Izar Droxine Cochrane
William Scott Mara Cochrane
James Alexander Scott

From the universe of:

  1. the Mitchell Metaverse

James Alexander Scott was an agent component of Slaytrekx.

Ahnentafel Benjamin Gunn (cs)
John Clement (cs) Cordelia Chase (demon/human hybrid) Carlos Trejo Dawn Summers (Interdimensional Key) William "Spike" Pratt (vampire) Cecily Halfrek (demon/human hybrid) Rupert Giles Jennifer Calendar (cyber witch) Charles Gunn Caridad the Slayer Robin Wood Faith Lehane (slayer) Allen Francis Doyle (demon/human hybrid) Anya Christina Emmanuelle Jenkins (demon/human hybrid) Lorne Tara Maclay (witch)
Liam Chase Joyce Trejo Lex Pratt Janna Giles Wesley Gunn Nicole Wood Alex Doyle Willow Maclay
Jack Chase Buffy Pratt William Gunn Aud Doyle
John Chase Amy Gunn
Benjamin Gunn

From the universe of:

  1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (as depicted in the years 1997-2004)

Ahnentafel Tina Scott (cs)
Barry Giotto Carolyn Palamas Hikaru Sulu Nyota Uhura James Tiberius Kirk Janice Rand Spock Elizabeth Palmer Leonard Horatio McCoy Tonia Barrows Montgommery Scott Mira Romaine Pavel Andreivich Chekov Martha Landon Robert Tomlinson Angela Martine Esteban Rodriguez Teresa Ross Kevin Riley Doris Atkins Gary Mitchell Elizabeth Dehner Frank Edward Ryan Leslie Christine Chapel Dave Bailey Helen Noel Geoffrey Jabilo M'Benga Zahra Ellen Jamal Bill Hadley Ann Mulhall John Thomas Winston Kyle Jadzia Moreau
Robert Giotto Janice Sulu Sam Kirk Jaime Spock James McCoy Trish Scott Walter Chekov Lisa Tomlinson Perry Rodriguez Carolyn Riley James Mitchell Majel Leslie Anthony Bailey Maurishka M'Benga William Hadley Jr. Barbara Kyle
Pavel Giotto Nyota Kirk James Scott Martha Chekov Robert Rodriguez Elizabeth Mitchell Balok Bailey Ann Hadley
James Giotto Patricia Scott Charles Mitchell Barbara Bailey
George Scott Elizabeth Bailey
Tina Scott

From the universes of:

  1. Star Trek (as depicted in the years 1966-1986)
  2. the Mitchell Metaverse

Ahnentafel Nina Angel
Connor Angel Nina Ash Andrew Wells Gwen Raiden Jonathan Levinson Kendra Young Riley Finn Sam Finn David Nabbit Lilah Morgan Jesse McNally Anne Steele Graham Miller Virginia Bryce Forrest Gates Kate Lockley
William Angel Angela Wells Henry Levinson Liz Finn Wes Nabbit Alexandra McNally Magnus Miller Maria Gates
Richard Angel Sara Levinson Liam Nabbit Anne Miller
Nathan Angel Vicky Nabbit
Nina Angel

From the universe of:

  1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (as depicted in the years 1997-2004)