Genealogy Lucy Parker


Ahnentafel Lucy Parker.
Nathan Wuornos Audrey Parker Richard Daystrom Mira Romaine Simon van Gelder Helen Noel William Williams Alice Broadhead William Sebastian Joanne Summerskill John Reynolds Piper Halliwell Peter de Vos Barbara Bright Benjamin Washington Beverly Luke
Duke Parker Leah Daystrom Sigmund van Gelder Sheila Williams Ham Sebastian Julie Reyolds Hans de Vos Buffy Washington
Garland Parker Helen van Gelder Jim Sebastian Barbra de Vos
Ben Parker Lilith Sebastian
Lucy Parker

From the universes of:

  1. Stephen King (as depicted in the years 1974-2015)
  2. Star Trek (as depicted in the years 1966-1986)
  3. the Mitchell Metaverse
  4. Spectre (as depicted in the year 1977)
  5. Hellraiser III (as depicted in the year 1992)
  6. Return of the Living Dead III (as depicted in the year 1993)
  7. Charmed (as depicted in the years 1998-2006)
  8. Euro 5 (as depicted in the years 1976-1986)

Lucy Parker, wife of Scott Gunn , became an ancestor of Amanda Susan Parker, the woman who was the focus of the creation of Kegar by Zeppo Dunsel, and was an executive component of Slaytrekx.
She, like her ancestor Frank the Beyonder, was actually the whole of her universe, that merged into Kegar, making her easily one of the most powerful parts of Slaytrekx, and of Kegar himself.

Ahnentafel William Williams.
Willy Williams Jaina Solo Leonard Ardan T'Pring Jim Burroughs Saavik Jon Archer Aura Stephen Ardoba Star Gauthier Challenger Allison Cameron Alex Wagner Kirsty Cotton John Ravel Linda Danvers
Don Williams Yvette Ardan John Burroughs Linda Archer Jack Ardoba Veronica Challenger Bill Wagner Sarah Ravel
James Williams Jane Burroughs Zeb Ardoba Wilma Wagner
Robert Williams Isis Ardoba
William Williams

From the universes of:

  1. the Mitchell Metaverse
  2. Star Wars (as depicted in the year 2012)
  3. Star Trek (as depicted in the years 1966-1986)
  4. Flash Gordon (as depicted in the year 1980)
  5. The Number of the Beast (as depicted in the year 1980)
  6. House MD (as depicted in the years 2004–2012)
  7. Hellraiser (as depicted in the year 1988)
  8. Modern Age Post-Crisis New-Earth DC Comics (as depicted in the years 1996-1998)

Ahnentafel Leonard Ardan
Michel Ardan Chiana Lemuel Gulliver Miranda Prospero Tom Sawyer Arwen Undómiel Flynn Carsen Nicole Noone
Jean Ardan Mistra Gulliver Allan Sawyer Molly Carsen
Theo Ardan Mina Sawyer
Leonard Ardan

From the universes of:

  1. From the Earth to the Moon (as depicted in the year 1865)
  2. Farscape (as depicted in the years 1999-2003)
  3. Gulliver's Travels (as depicted in the year 1726)
  4. The Tempest (as depicted in the year 1623)
  5. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (as depicted in the year 2003)
  6. The Lord of The Rings (as depicted in the year 2003)
  7. The Librarian (as depicted in the year 2004)

Ahnentafel Jim Burroughs
Drake Burroughs Dawnstar Garth Ranzz Imra Ardeen Jo Nah Tinya Wazzo Kallark Tasmia Mallor
Edgar Burroughs Elektra Ranzz Ahab Nah Kara Mallor
John Burroughs Leana Nah
Jim Burroughs

From the universes of:

  1. Silver/Bronze Ages Pre-Crisis Earth-One DC Comics (as depicted in the years 1961-1985)
  2. Silver/Bronze Ages Earth-616 Marvel Comics (as depicted in the years 1961-1985)

Ahnentafel Jon Archer
Jonathan Archer Erika Hernandez Zefram Cochrane Nancy Hedford + Companion Frank the Beyonder Alison Blaire Michael Korvac Carina Walters
Charles Archer Lilly Cochrane Frank Blaire Janet Walters
Malcolm Archer Carina Blaire
Jon Archer

From the universes of:

  1. Star Trek: Enterprise (as depicted in the years 2001-2005)
  2. Star Trek (as depicted in the years 1966-1986)
  3. Silver/Bronze Ages Earth-616 Marvel Comics / The Beyonderverse (as depicted in the years 1961-1985)
Jon Archer was actually, like his ancestor Frank the Beyonder, the whole of his universe, that merged into Kegar, making him easily one of the most powerful parts of Slaytrekx, and of Kegar himself.

Ahnentafel Stephen Ardoba
Stef Ardoba Megan Halsey Bob Morane Michonne Henry "Mutt" Jones III Sydney Fox James Ellison Lexa Pierce
Bob Ardoba Temperance Morane Hank Jones Laura Ellison
Robert Ardoba Emma Jones
Stephen Ardoba

From the universes of:

  1. Stef Ardoba (as depicted in the year 1978)
  2. Re-Animator (as depicted in the year 1985)
  3. Bob Morane (as depicted in the year 1973)
  4. The Walking Dead (as depicted in the year 2012)
  5. Indiana Jones (as depicted in the year 2008)
  6. Relic Hunter (as depicted in the year 1999)
  7. The Sentinel (as depicted in the year 1996)
  8. Mutant X (as depicted in the year 2003)

Ahnentafel Gauthier Challenger
George Edward Challenger Rebecca "Beka" B. Valentine Quark Jill Valentine James Bond Jadzia Dax Zamorra Nicole Duval
Joseph Challenger Alice Valentine John Q. Bond Joan Duval
Alex Challenger Penny Bond
Gauthier Challenger

From the universes of:

  1. The Lost World (as depicted in the year 1912)
  2. Andromeda (as depicted in the year 2000)
  3. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (as depicted in the years 1993-1999)
  4. Resident Evil (as depicted in the year 2004)
  5. James Bond (as depicted in the year 1967)
  6. John Sinclair / Zamorra (as depicted in the year 1978)

Ahnentafel Alex Wagner
Kurt Wagner Karen Starr / Kara Zor-L Gary Bell Jess Parker Toby Logan Nikita Jones Matthew Star Sydney Bristow
Jonathan Wagner Nina Bell Philip Logan Daisy Star
Peter Wagner Rachel Logan
Alex Wagner

From the universes of:

  1. Silver/Bronze Ages Earth-616 Marvel Comics (as depicted in the years 1961-1985)
  2. Silver/Bronze Ages Pre-Crisis Earth-Two DC Comics (as depicted in the years 1961-1985)
  3. Alphas/Eureka/Warehouse 13 (as depicted in the years 2006-2014)
  4. Primeval (as depicted in the year 2011)
  5. The Listner (as depicted in the year 2009)
  6. La Femme Nikita (as depicted in the year 1997)
  7. The Powers of Matthew Star (as depicted in the year 1982)
  8. Alias (as depicted in the year 2001)

Ahnentafel Alice Broadhead
Robinette Stetley Broadhead Gelle-Klara Moynlin Steven Freeling Diane Freeling Charlie Sykes Rachel Clark Peter Conway Murchison Gregory House Lisa Cuddy Alex Murphy Anne Lewis John Carter Dejah Thoris David Kessler Alex Price
Bob Broadhead Dana Freeling Clark Sykes Prilicla Conway James House Lisa Murphy Carthoris Carter Sérafine Pigot
Robert Broadhead Diane Sykes Eric House Dejah Carter
Sean Broadhead Alison House
Alice Broadhead

From the universes of:

  1. Gateway (as depicted in the year 1977)
  2. Poltergeist (as depicted in the year 1982)
  3. Highway to Hell (as depicted in the year 1992)
  4. Sector General (as depicted in the years 1957-1999)
  5. House MD (as depicted in the years 2004–2012)
  6. Robocop (as depicted in the year 1987)
  7. John Carter (as depicted in the year 1917)
  8. An American Werewolf in London/Paris (as depicted in the years 1981/1997)

Ahnentafel Benjamin Washington
Peter Washington Tracy Thurman William "Bill" McDermott Sarah Bowman Riley Denbo Debra Moynihan Ben Barbara
Stephen Washington Alice McDermott George Denbo Barbra
Will Washington Debbie Denbo
Benjamin Washington

From the universe of:

  1. George A. Romero (as depicted in the years 1968-2007)

Ahnentafel Beverly Luke
William Smith Alice Jonathan Harker Mina Murray Dagar Graylin Christopher Cavallieri Mara Magellan Vampirella Storm Roodhaar Luc Orient Lora Valérian Ravian Valentin Laureline
John Luke Lucy Harker Brian Barbara Christopher Magellan Asverze Storm Hugo Orient Laura Valentin
Wes Luke Graylin Christopher John Magellan Laureline Orient
Will Luke Lora Magellan
Beverly Luke

From the universes of:

  1. the Mitchell Metaverse
  2. Resident Evil (as depicted in the year 2002)
  3. Dracula (as depicted in the year 1897)
  4. Dagar the Invincible (as depicted in the year 1972)
  5. Les Naufragés du Temps (as depicted in the year 1974)
  6. Mister Magellan (as depicted in the year 1973)
  7. Vampirella (as depicted in the year 1969)
  8. Storm (as depicted in the year 1976)
  9. Luc Orient (as depicted in the year 1978)
  10. Valérian and Laureline (as depicted in the years 1967-2010)

Ahnentafel John Ravel.
Igor Ravel Jordan Cavanaugh Hannibal Heyes Nova Don Diego de la Vega Wade Welles Arthur Herbert "The Fonz" Fonzarelli Jane Porter Harry Keogh Maggie Beckett Anthony "Tony" Blake Diana Tregarde Jan Kulozik Bonny Lee Beaumont Lieutenant Columbo Vivien Raid Kirth Gersen Liz Parker James Dempsey Fulvia Jim Tanner Maria DeLuca Luc Johnston Tru Davies Eric Smith Phoebe Halliwell Samuel "Sam" Beckett Grace Hall Dylan Hunt Francesca Vecchio Nick Knight / Nicholas de Brabant Caroline Farrell
Woody Ravel Clementine Heyes Bernardo de la Vega Joan Fonzarelli John Keogh Maggie Blake John Kulozik Kate Gibbs Max Gersen Harriet Dempsey Michael Tanner Lindsay Johnston Leo Smith Lisa Beckett Benton Hunt Eliza Knight
Reed Ravel Jane de la Vega Henry Keogh Polly Kulozik Paul Gersen Sally Tanner John Smith Linda Hunt
Benjamin Ravel Lana Keogh John Gersen Lana Smith
Franklin Ravel Jane Gersen
John Ravel

From the universes of:

  1. Dinosaur Beach (as depicted in the year 1971)
  2. Crossing Jordan (as depicted in the year 2001)
  3. Alias Smith and Jones (as depicted in the year 1971)
  4. La Planète des Singes (as depicted in the year 1963)
  5. Zorro (as depicted in the year 1912)
  6. Sliders (as depicted in the year 1995)
  7. Happy Days (as depicted in the year 1974)
  8. Tarzan (as depicted in the year 1912)
  9. Necroscope (as depicted in the year 1990)
  10. The Magician (as depicted in the year 1973)
  11. Diana Tregarde (as depicted in the year 1991)
  12. To the Stars (as depicted in the year 1980)
  13. The Girl, the Gold Watch & Everything (as depicted in the year 1980)
  14. Columbo (as depitcted in the years 1968-2003)
  15. Raumschiff Promet (as depicted in the year 1977)
  16. Demon Princes (as depicted in the year 1964)
  17. Roswell (as depicted in the year 1999)
  18. Dempsey and Makepeace (as depicted in the year 1984)
  19. Star Maidens (as depicted in the year 1976)
  20. The Power (as depicted in the year 1956)
  21. Tru Calling (as depicted in the year 2003)
  22. The Man with the Power (as depicted in the year 1977)
  23. Charmed (as depicted in the year 2006)
  24. Quantum Leap (as depicted in the year 1989)
  25. The Chronicle (as depicted in the year 2001)
  26. Genesis II (as depicted in the year 1973)
  27. Due South (as depicted in the year 1994)
  28. Forever Knight (as depicted in the year 1989)
  29. Dollhouse (as depicted in the year 2009)

Ahnentafel Willy Williams.
Ashley Williams Sheila Basil Blackadder Lara Cameron Peter Venkman Dana Barrett Kwai Chang Caine Nancy Thompson Apollo Sheba Dirk Pitt Summer Moran Jack Ryan Sr. Cathy Muller William "Buck" Rogers Wilma Deering Abraham van Helsing Chaya Sar Athar Jack Carter Ann Mulhall Fox William Mulder Dana Katherine Scully Alexander Rozhenko Claudia Donovan Walter Skinner Sharon Skinner Carl Kolchak Lee Arteria Douglas Quaid Shane Vansen Columbo Ann Darrow
Scotty Williams Barbara Blackadder Raymond Venkman Christine Caine Adam Adams Sr. Summer Pitt Jack Ryan Jr. Marla Rogers Bram van Helsing Kate Carter William Mulder Dana Rozhenko William Skinner Sil Kolchak Nathan Quaid Fran Columbo
Liam Williams Dana Venkman Adam Adams Jr. Kate Ryan Jonathan van Helsing Sharon Mulder John Skinner Lori Quaid
William Williams Nancy Adams Arthur van Helsing Monica Skinner
Will Williams Lucy van Helsing
Willy Williams

From the universes of:

  1. Evil Dead (as depicted in the year 1992)
  2. the Mitchell Metaverse
  3. Ghostbusters (as depicted in the year 1984)
  4. Kung Fu (as depicted in the year 1972)
  5. A Nightmare on Elm Street (as depicted in the year 1987)
  6. Battlestar Galactica (as depicted in the year 1979)
  7. Dirk Pitt (as depicted in the year 1981)
  8. Jack Ryan (as depicted in the year 1994)
  9. Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (as depicted in the year 1979)
  10. Dracula (as depicted in the year 1897)
  11. Stargate (as depicted in the years 1997-2011)
  12. Alphas/Eureka/Warehouse 13 (as depicted in the year 2011)
  13. Star Trek (as depicted in the years 1966-1986)
  14. The X-Files (as depicted in the years 1993-2002)
  15. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (as depicted in the years 1993-1999)
  16. The Night Stalker (as depicted in the year 1974)
  17. Fallen Angels (as depicted in the year 1991)
  18. Total Recall (as depicted in the year 1990)
  19. Space: Above and Beyond (as depicted in the year 1995)
  20. Columbo (as depicted in the year 1968)
  21. King Kong (as depicted in the year 2005)

Ahnentafel Basil Blackadder
Edmund Blackadder Ann Barrett Basil Fawlty Mabel Buchman Perry Rhodan Cleopatra Jones Gav Jessica Gatling
Hugh Blackadder Connie Fawlty Arthur Rhodan Amanda Gatling
Baldrick Blackadder Susan Rhodan
Basil Blackadder

From the universes of:

  1. Blackadder (as depicted in the year 1989)
  2. The Legend of Hell House (as depicted in the year 1973)
  3. Fawlty Towers (as depicted in the year 1975)
  4. Mad About You (as depicted in the year 1992)
  5. Perry Rhodan (as depicted in the years 1961-1985
  6. Cleopatra Jones (as depicted in the year 1973)
  7. Star Trek (as depicted in the years 1966-1986)
  8. Soap (as depicted in the year 1977)

Basil Blackadder was part of Slaytrekx.

Ahnentafel Lara Cameron
Benjamin Smith Kiera Cameron Joshua Nolan Lara Croft
Hank Cameron Amanda Nolan
Lara Cameron

From the universes of:

  1. the Mitchell Metaverse
  2. Continuum (as depicted in the year 2012)
  3. Defiance (as depicted in the year 2013)
  4. Lara Croft (as depicted in the year 2001)