Genealogy Myka Lattimer


Ahnentafel Myka Lattimer
Peter "Pete" Lattimer Myka Ophelia Bering Judson Carsen Julie Harry Potter Hermione Granger Quentin Coldwater Alice Quinn
Arthur Lattimer Judson Carsen Ron Potter Eliza Coldwater
Steve Lattimer Luna Potter
Myka Lattimer

From the universes of:

  1. Alphas/Eureka/Warehouse 13 (as depicted in the years 2006-2014)
  2. the Mitchell Metaverse
  3. Witchboard III: The Possession (as depicted in the year 1995)
  4. Harry Potter (as depicted in the year 2011)
  5. The Magicians (as depicted in the year 2015)

Myka Lattimer was an agent component of Slaytrekx.