Genealogy Xander Kirk


Ahnentafel Xander Kirk
James Tiberius Kirk Miramanee Xander Harris Buffy Summers Jack O'Neill Helen Magnus The Doctor (11) River Song Scott Summers Madelyne Pryor Reed Richards Susan Storm Gregory House Allison Cameron Norrin Radd Frankie Raye Clark Kent Lois Lane Angus MacGyver Samantha Carter John Connor Susan Calvin Peter Parker Mary Jane Watson Stephen Strange Zatanna Zatara Alex Murphy Max Guevara Dean Winchester Anna Milton Perry Rhodan Glenda Perkins
Kiroc Kirk Joyce Harris Rodney Daniel O'Neill Sarah Smith Nathan Christopher Charles Summers Valeria Richards James House Susan Raye George Christopher Kent Cath MacGyver Magnus Archie Connor May Parker Hank Strange Tara Cindy Murphy John Winchester Kate Rhodan
Xander Kirk Janet O'Neill Scott Richards Lisa House John Kent Sarah Connor Walter Strange Mary Winchester
William James Kirk Susan Richards James Kent Maria Strange
Jon Kirk Lana Kent
Xander Kirk

From the universes of:

  1. Star Trek (as depicted in the years 1966-1986)
  2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (as depicted in the years 1997-2004)
  3. Stargate (as depicted in the years 1997-2011)
  4. Doctor Who (as depicted in the years 2008-2015)
  5. Silver/Bronze Ages Earth-616 Marvel Comics (1961-1985)
  6. House MD (as depicted in the year 2004)
  7. Silver/Bronze Ages Pre-Crisis Earth-One DC Comics (as depicted in the years 1961-1985)
  8. MacGyver (as depicted in the years 1985–1992)
  9. Sanctuary (as depicted in the year 2008)
  10. The Terminator (as depicted in the years 1984-2009)
  11. Isaac Asimov (as depicted in the years 1940-1993)
  12. Robobop (as depicted in the year 1987)
  13. Dark Angel (as depicted in the years 2000-2002)
  14. Supernatural (as depicted in the year 2008)
  15. Perry Rhodan (as depicted in the years 1961-1985)
  16. John Sinclair / Zamorra (as depicted in the year 1978)

Xander Kirk was a legistative component of Slaytrekx.