Genealogy Helena Holmes
Ahnentafel Helena Holmes
Sherlock Holmes |
Dejah Thoris |
Michel Ardan |
Weena |
Victor Frankenstein |
Lucy Westenra |
Lemuel Gulliver |
Miranda Prospero |
James Holmes |
Helena Ardan |
Abraham Frankenstein |
Kate Gulliver |
Greg Holmes |
Lucy Frankenstein |
Helena Holmes |
From the universes of:
- Sherlock Holmes (as depicted in the year 1887)
- John Carter (as depicted in the year 1917)
- From the Earth to the Moon (as depicted in the year 1865)
- The Time Machine (as depicted in the year 1895)
- Frankenstein (as depicted in the year 1818)
- Dracula (as depicted in the year 1897)
- Gulliver's Travels (as depicted in the year 1726)
- The Tempest (as depicted in the year 1623)
Helena Holmes was a legistative component of Slaytrekx.