Genealogy Helena Holmes


Ahnentafel Helena Holmes
Sherlock Holmes Dejah Thoris Michel Ardan Weena Victor Frankenstein Lucy Westenra Lemuel Gulliver Miranda Prospero
James Holmes Helena Ardan Abraham Frankenstein Kate Gulliver
Greg Holmes Lucy Frankenstein
Helena Holmes

From the universes of:

  1. Sherlock Holmes (as depicted in the year 1887)
  2. John Carter (as depicted in the year 1917)
  3. From the Earth to the Moon (as depicted in the year 1865)
  4. The Time Machine (as depicted in the year 1895)
  5. Frankenstein (as depicted in the year 1818)
  6. Dracula (as depicted in the year 1897)
  7. Gulliver's Travels (as depicted in the year 1726)
  8. The Tempest (as depicted in the year 1623)

Helena Holmes was a legistative component of Slaytrekx.