Genealogy Rachel Strange


Ahnentafel Rachel Strange
Clark Kent / Kal-El Diana Prince Richard Kyle, son of Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle Rachel Roth Barry Allen Joan Constantine, daughter of John Constantine and Zatanna Zatara John Jordan, son of Hal Jordan and Carol Ferris Aleea Strange, daughter of Adam Strange and Alanna Stephen Strange Clea Bruce Banner Barbara Denton-Norriss / Brunnhilde / Valkyrie Peter Parker Felicia Hardy Franklin Richards Rachel Summers
Joseph Kent Donna Roth Jay Allen Julia Jordan Robert Strange Elizabeth Norris Benjamin Hardy Dream Richards
Bruce Roth Iris Jordan Kyle Strange Rachel Hardy
John Jordan Dream Strange
Rachel Strange

From the universes of:

  1. Silver/Bronze Ages Pre-Crisis Earth-One DC Comics (as depicted in the years 1961-1985)
  2. Silver/Bronze Ages Earth-616 Marvel Comics (as depicted in the years 1961-1985)

Rachel Strange was an agent component of Slaytrekx.