Genealogy Janice Farrell


Ahnentafel Janice Farrell
James Tiberius Kirk Janice Rand Jean-Luc Picard Beverly Howard Jerome "Jerry" Robinson Helena Trimble William Sebastian Anitra Cyon Alexander Lavelle 'Xander' Harris Buffy Anne Summers Liam Angel Cordelia Chase Malcolm Reynolds Inara Serra Paul Ballard Caroline Farrell
George Rand Willa Howard Robert Trimble Lilith Cyon Jesse Summers Winifred Chase Simon Serra Adelle Farrell
William Howard Majel Cyon Alex Summers Eliza Farrell
James Cyon Inara Farrell
Janice Farrell

From the universes of:

  1. Star Trek (as depicted in the years 1966-1986)
  2. Star Trek: The Next Generation (as depicted in the years 1987-1994)
  3. The Questor Tapes (as depicted in the year 1974)
  4. Spectre (as depicted in the year 1977)
  5. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (as depicted in the years 1997-2004)
  6. Firefly (as depicted in the years 2002-2005)
  7. Dollhouse (as depicted in the years 2009-2010)

Janice Farrell was an agent component of Slaytrekx.