
Genealogy Amora Blake

Wife of Walter Scott Gunn. Mother of Scott Gunn. She came from 41 universes.

Amara Blake was a regent component of of Slaytrekx.

Ahnentafel Amora Blake
Jon Blake Lisa Sheridan Sam Connor Nicole Sanders Scott Smith Helena Sands Matt Donovan Wanda Wayne
Richard Blake Angela Connor Samual Smith Claudia Donovan
Jack Blake Sarah Smith
Amora Blake

From the the Mitchell Metaverse.

Ahnentafel Jon Blake
Roj Blake Jenna Stannis Kerr Avon Cally Vila Restal Soolin Olag Gan Dayna Mellanby Simon Tam Kaywinnit Lee "Kaylee" Frye Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds Inara Serra Hoban "Wash" Washburne Zoe Alleyne Jayne Cobb River Tam
Kev Blake Anne Avon Kerr Restal Sarah Mellanby Angus Tam Angela Reynolds Benjamin Washburne Mara Cobb
Vila Blake Michelle Restal Sean Tam Joan Washburne
Kerr Blake Summer Tam
Jon Blake

From the ‘verses of:

  1. Blake's 7 (as depicted in the years 1978–1981)
  2. Firefly, as depicted in the year 2002, came a band of free spirits who held on to the freemdom of their sky.

Ahnentafel Lisa Sheridan
John Sheridan Delenn Michael Garibaldi Lise Hampton Jason Ironhaert Talia Winters Stephen Franklin Lillian Hobbs Marcus Cole Susan Ivanova G'Kar Lyta Alexander Jeffrey Sinclair Catharine Sakai David Corwin Elizabeth Lochley
David Sheridan Mary Garibaldi Michael Ironheart Erica Franklin Jeffrey Cole Talia Alexander Michael Sinclair Susan Corwin
Jack Sheridan Talia Ironheart Jeff Cole Kate Sinclair
John Sheridan Susan Cole
Lisa Sheridan

From the universe of:

  1. Babylon 5 (as depicted in the years 1994-1998).

Ahnentafel Sam Connor
John Connor Ellen Ripley Tommy Ross Carrie White Alan Pangborn Patricia ‘Polly’ Chalmers Dean Winchester Anna Milton Zebadiah John Carter Dejah Thoris (Deety) Burroughs Will Zimmerman Helen Magnus Peter Maltby Gloria Laurr Connor Temple Abby Maitland
Will Connor Susan Ross Tommy Pangborn Sue Winchester Samual Carter Emmy Zimmerman Isaac Maltby Jessica Temple
Sam Connor Polly Pangborn Samual Carter II Ingrid Maltby
George Connor Sarah Carter
Sam Connor

From the universes of:

  1. The Terminator (as depicted in the years 1984-2009)
  2. Alien (as depicted in the year 1979)
  3. Stephen King (as depicted in the years 1974-2014)
  4. Supernatural (as depicted in the years 2005-2020)
  5. The Number of the Beast (as depicted in the year 1980)
  6. Sanctuary (as depicted in the year 2008)
  7. The Mixed Men (as depicted in the years 1943-1955)
  8. Primeval (as depicted in the year 2011)

Ahnentafel Nicole Sanders
D.L. Hawkins Niki Sanders Hiro Nakamura Charlene "Charlie" Andrews Douglas Fargo Holly Marten John Bennett Rachel Pirzad Cameron Hicks Danielle Rosen Jarod Weena John Crichton Aeryn Sun Logan Cale Max Guevara
Micah Sanders Kimiko Nakamura Jack Henry Fargo Nina Bennett Lee Hicks Mary Waters D'Argo Sun-Crichton Alicia Cale
Walt Sanders Allison Fargo Logan Hicks Leslie Crichton
Mike Sanders Leah Hicks
Nicole Sanders

From the universes of:

  1. Heroes (as depicted in the years 2006-2010)
  2. Alphas/Eureka/Warehouse 13 (as depicted in the years 2006-2014)
  3. The Pretender (as depicted in the year 1996)
  4. The Time Machine (as depicted in the year 1895)
  5. Farscape (as depicted in the years 1999-2003)
  6. Dark Angel (as depicted in the years 2000-2002)

Ahnentafel Scott Smith
Theo "Doctor Slaytrekx" Mitchell River Song Harry Sullivan Leela Cameron Mitchell Vala Mal Doran Glenn Rhee Maggie Greene James Bolivar diGriz Angelina Mike Donovan Elizabeth Summers Steel Sapphire John Sinclair Glenda Perkins
Johnnie Smith Donna Sullivan Jack Mitchell Lori Rhee Bolivar diGriz Juliet Donovan Peter Steel Allison Sinclair
Harry Smith Alice Mitchell James diGriz Lisa Steel
Sean Smith Angelina diGriz
Scott Smith

From the universes of:

  1. the the Mitchell Metaverse
  2. Doctor Who (as depicted in the years 1974-2013)
  3. Stargate (as depicted in the year 2007)
  4. The Walking Dead (as depicted in the year 2010)
  5. The Stainless Steel Rat (as depicted in the years 1961-1987)
  6. Isaac Asimov (as depicted in the years 1940-1993)
  7. Sapphire and Steel (1979–1982)
  8. John Sinclair / Zamorra (as depicted in the year 1978)

Ahnentafel Helena Sands
George Sands Nina Pickering Josh Levinson Nora Sergeant Kevin Uxbridge Amanda "Q" Rogers Elim Garak Tora Ziyal Rom Leeta John Koenig Helena Russell Alan Carter Sandra Benes Tony Verdeschi Maya
Nathan Sands Amanda Levinson Charles Uxbridge Liz Garak Thomas Quark Drusilla Koenig John Carter Helena Verdeschi
John Sands Mary Uxbridge Sam Quark Dina Carter
Jim Sands Sandra Quark
Helena Sands

From the universes of:

  1. Being Human (UK, as depicted in the year 2008)
  2. Being Human (US, as depicted in the year 2011)
  3. Star Trek: The Next Generation (as depicted in the years 1987-1994)
  4. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (as depicted in the years 1993-1999)
  5. Space: 1999 (as depicted in the years 1975-1977)

Ahnentafel Matt Donovan
Mike Donovan Juliet Parrish Matt Sikes Cathy Frankel Fox William Mulder Dana Katherine Scully Logan Five Jessica Six Ralph Hinkley Pam Davidson Lee Adama Kara Thrace Flash Gordon Dale Arden Kurt Mendel Angela Perry
Tony Donovan Susan Sikes William Mulder Cathy Sixteen Bill Hinkley Dualla Adama Hans Gordon Sarah Perry
Michael Donovan Kate Mulder William Hinkley Dale Gordon
Josh Donovan Pamela Hinkley
Matt Donovan

From the universes of:

  1. V (as depicted in the year 1983)
  2. Alien Nation (as depicted in the year 1989)
  3. The X-Files (as depicted in the year 1993)
  4. Logan's Run (as depicted in the year 1977)
  5. The Greatest American Hero (as depicted in the year 1981)
  6. Battlestar Galactica (as depicted in the year 2003)
  7. Flash Gordon (as depicted in the year 1980)
  8. Odyssey 5 (as depicted in the year 2002)

Ahnentafel Wanda Wayne
Bruce Wayne Selina Kyle Clark Kent / Kal-El Zatanna Zatara Hal Jordan Carol Ferris John Jones / J'onn J'onzz Dinah Drake Charles Tucker III T'Pol Groosalugg Ororo Munroe Barry Allen Diana Prince Lar Gand Linda Lee Danvers / Kara Zor-El
Bruce Wayne Jr. Kara Kent John Jordan Dana Drake Lorian Tucker Lisa Munroe Pete Allen Martha Gand
Richard Wayne Diana Jordan Jon Tucker Ororo Allen
Robert Wayne Hoshi Tucker
Wanda Wayne

From the universes of:

  1. Silver/Bronze Ages Pre-Crisis Earth-One DC Comics (as depicted in the years 1961-1985)
  2. Star Trek: Enterprise (as depicted in the years 2001-2005)
  3. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (as depicted in the year 2001)
  4. Silver/Bronze Ages Earth-616 Marvel Comics (as depicted in the years 1961-1985)

Universe List.

  1. Alien (as depicted in the year 1979)
  2. Alien Nation (as depicted in the year 1989)
  3. Alphas/Eureka/Warehouse 13 (as depicted in the years 2006-2014)
  4. Babylon 5 (as depicted in the years 1994-1998)
  5. Battlestar Galactica (as depicted in the year 2003)
  6. Being Human (UK, as depicted in the year 2008)
  7. Being Human (US, as depicted in the year 2011)
  8. Blake's 7 (as depicted in the years 1978–1981)
  9. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (as depicted in the year 2001)
  10. Dark Angel (as depicted in the years 2000-2002)
  11. Doctor Who (as depicted in the years 1963-2012)
  12. Farscape (as depicted in the years 1999-2003)
  13. Firefly (as depicted in the year 2002)
  14. Flash Gordon (as depicted in the year 1980)
  15. Greatest American Hero, The (as depicted in the year 1981)
  16. Heroes (as depicted in the years 2006-2010)
  17. Isaac Asimov (as depicted in the years 1940-1993)
  18. John Sinclair / Zamorra (as depicted in the year 1978)
  19. Logan's Run (as depicted in the year 1977)
  20. Mixed Men, The (as depicted in the years 1952-1955)
  21. Number of the Beast,The (as depicted in the year 1980)
  22. Odyssey 5 (as depicted in the year 2002)
  23. Pretender, The (as depicted in the year 1996)
  24. Primeval (as depicted in the year 2011)
  25. Sanctuary (as depicted in the year 2008)
  26. Sapphire and Steel (as depicted in the years 1979–1982)
  27. Silver/Bronze Ages Earth-616 Marvel Comics (as depicted in the years 1961-1985)
  28. Silver/Bronze Ages Pre-Crisis Earth-One DC Comics (as depicted in the years 1961-1985)
  29. Space: 1999 (as depicted in the years 1975-1977)
  30. Stainless Steel Rat, The (as depicted in the years 1961-1987)
  31. Star Trek: The Next Generation (as depicted in the years 1987-1994)
  32. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (as depicted in the years 1993-1999)
  33. Star Trek: Enterprise (as depicted in the years 2001-2005)
  34. Stargate (as depicted in the year 2007)
  35. Stephen King (as depicted in the years 1974-2014)
  36. Supernatural (as depicted in the years 2005-2020)
  37. Terminator, The (as depicted in the years 1984-2009)
  38. Time Machine, The (as depicted in the year 1895)
  39. Walking Dead, The (as depicted in the year 2010)
  40. V (as depicted in the year 1983)
  41. X-Files, The (as depicted in the year 1993)