Genealogy Victoria Mary Vance


Ahnentafel Victoria Mary Vance
Carl Vance Eliza Benson Chris Lee Sue Fontana Jacob Lord Julie Munroe Jack Tapping Jennifer Milano Wally Marin Adrian Valens Amanda Susan Parker Sean Terstark II, son of Heather Heidi Locke and Sean Terstark Senior, who was a descendant of Trent Kegarson Lizette Oase John Sands Linda Alice Cohan Mike Nichols Lady Kristen Florence Christopher / Anne Bell / Selene "Selly" Star Eddie Tsjeng Scarlett Danielle Theron Solo Enigma Emma Honey Phoenix, twin sister of Katherine Alice "Kate" Phoenix Sean Grimm Rachel Day, born Monique de Groot, sister of Susan de Groot Jack Johnson Keira Winona Sophia Garner Tim Zimbalist Emily Bree Weaver-Kelton Jason Michaels Lena Eliza Tyler Sam Winters Megan MacGraw Danny Jackson Amy Michelle Katic
Jacob Vance Lucy Lee John Lord Samantha Tapping James Isaac Parker Jessica Adriana Terstark Jules Sands Jane Nichols Rob Richards Katherine Nyota "Kate/Kitty" Enigma Jeff Grimm Kathy Johnson Richard Zimbalist Janet Michaels Tom Winters Tamara Jackson
Alex Vance Alice Lord Scott Walter Parker Liz Sands Jeff Richards Joan Grimm John Zimbalist Angela Amy Winters
Benjamin Anthony Vance Barbara Cornelia Parker John Richards Jane Amber Zimbalist
Balthasar Adrian Vance Rachel Joanna Richards
Victoria Mary Vance

From the Valens Alpha universe.
Victoria 'Vicky' Vance was the woman who created 4,095 Multi-Multiverses. A 'cousin' of hers, Zeppo Dunsel, merged those Multi-Multiverses into the being Kegar, using Amanda Parker, a woman with very interesting beginnings, as a focal point.
Kegar was internally ruled by the internal being called Slaytrekx.

Victoria Mary Vance was a regent component of Slaytrekx. Vicky married Tim Pilot and their son, Thomas Balthasar Pilot, was the leader of Slaytrekx.

Genealogy Emily Bree Weaver-Kelton


Ahnentafel Emily Bree Weaver-Kelton
Roger Zalman Weaver Aphrodite Emmanuelle "Venus" Weaver-Eos Melvin Mark "Mmm" Montgomery Karen Nancy Montgomery-Hardy Danny Paul Wagner Rebecca-Jane "Becky / Sweet Jane" Wagner-Slater Kirk Christopher Mercier Barbara Gayle "Barbie / Dolly" Mercier-Welch
Zalman Weaver Nancy Mongomery Paul Wagner Gayle Mercier
Melvin Weaver Jane Wagner
Emily Bree Weaver-Kelton

From the Valens Alpha universe.

The ancestors of Emily Bree Weaver-Kelton were timetravelers insprired by these people, some real, some fictional, for their names: