Genealogy Leonard Kent
Ahnentafel Leonard Kent
Clark Kent |
Lana Lang |
The Doctor (4) |
Sarah Jane Smith |
James Kirk |
Doris Atkins |
Xander Harris |
Tara Maclay |
Jimmy Kent |
Marlee Smith |
Dirk Kirk |
Willow Harris |
John Kent |
Lisa Kirk |
Leonard Kent |
From the universes of:
- Silver/Bronze Ages Pre-Crisis Earth-One DC Comics (as depicted in the years 1961-1985)
- Doctor Who (as depicted in the years 1973-1981)
- Star Trek (as depicted in the years 1966-1986)
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer (as depicted in the years 1997-2004)
Leonard Kent was an executive component of Slaytrekx.